theGuideline - No.70 [Grateful & Inspired]



Hey Reader,

This is my 70th newsletter. If you've been reading since the beginning, I'm sure you've noticed my voice evolve and mature. I've covered many different headlines taking place across the industry and am finally accepting the headlines I actually want to cover.

For example, my most recent article on The Tease: Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month. Reading comments from that article hits different. It reminded me of my article in the fall that celebrated Filipino American History Month: Cut by Kuya: Filipino American Barbers You Should Know About.

Instead of covering the latest clipper to drop or the next expo you should attend, I want to write about the stories, not the things.

That's probably why I never regret interviewing a guest on my podcast: Beyond Barber School. I always leave grateful and inspired.

And that's why I need to pivot. I only have so many extra hours in the week dedicated towards my content creation. I'm not completely sure what it will look like, but it's going to be different.

It might look like an email like this, or it might be a new podcast, maybe a new blog, or maybe a YouTube video. I'm still committed to weekly content, but the format might ebb and flow.

Whatever happens, I hope you'll continue to journey with me and be inspired along the way.

Thanks for celebrating 70 with me. Cheers to more growth.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Creating Your Barber Budget: a 21 day challenge to help you figure out how much money you actually make.
  2. Passing Your Barber Exam: online course that helps you pass your barber exam
  3. Creating a business strategy: The Barbers' Playbook features 10 essential strategies to help evaluate & grow your business

Written by: Matthew Mendoza​​

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barber doza.

I write a newsletter, host a podcast and teach workshops to help barbers level up their business.