
barber doza.

theGuideline - No. 59 [Barbers using AI]

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read



Hey Reader,

If you use an online booking system, you'll relate to this one. Think back to when you signed up. One of the first things you had to do was create your service menu.

If you're like me, this honestly took me a long time. I started asking myself all the questions:

  • What services do I want to offer?
  • What should I name the service?
  • What should the description be?
  • How much should it cost?

Honestly, I went back and forth. I kept renaming the services and I couldn't figure out how to describe each service. It was a pretty paralyzing and lonely experience tbh.

Vagaro AI changing the game

My wife (licensed esthetician) uses Vagaro for her booking and just told me about one of their newest features that solves this paralyzing problem.

It's called Vagaro AI. Check this out:

If you are uncertain about the appropriate tone for your writing or struggle with writing compelling business descriptions and bios, consider using Vagaro AI. From refining your service descriptions to polishing your employee's bio, Vagaro AI offers a simple way to improve the professionalism of your booking page. Best of all, it's completely free to use.

When you're editing service descriptions, product descriptions, business descriptions or even employee biographies, Vagaro AI can help enhance your writing. This is legit. It will offer to re-write or even write the sentence for you! Talk about saving time.

ChatGPT is a great alternative

If you don't have Vagaro, you can easily use ChatGPT for this same concept. You'll just need to be more specific with your prompt. Here are some sample prompts:

  • Write an employee bio for a barber
  • You are a barber. Write a service description for a haircut and beard service. Write 1-2 sentences in a friendly tone.
  • Write a product description for a barber product. The product is a pomade.

Whenever you need to write something for your business, I highly recommend leveraging AI to help. Kudos to Vagaro for dropping this helpful method that leverages AI. Hopefully we'll see more companies do something similar!

Product request for booking apps

Here's a request...these booking apps should leverage AI to tell the barbers what they should charge, given their geography and their utilization. With the data, the booking app would know if the barber is 30% booked or 90% booked and then could give a recommendation based on the barber's data. Food for thought.

*Question for you: How are you leveraging AI for your business?

Do you want to be featured?

Last but not least, I'm always on the look out for headlines taking place across the industry and would love to feature you.

So, if you are hosting an event or releasing a new product and you want it to be featured in theGuideline, then this form is for you!

Alright, finished with No.59. See you next week!

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Creating Your Barber Budget: a 21 day challenge to help you figure out how much money you actually make.
  2. Passing Your Barber Exam: online course that helps you pass your barber exam
  3. Creating a business strategy: The Barbers' Playbook features 10 essential strategies to help evaluate & grow your business

Written by: Matthew Mendoza​​

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I write a newsletter, host a podcast and teach workshops to help barbers level up their business.

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