
barber doza.

theGuideline. No.56 [Barber Beef + More]

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read



Hey Reader,

Instead of focusing on one topic, we're going to cover a couple headlines from around the industry.

More Barber Beef

It just kept escalating. For a second, we thought the TPOB Bossio beef was going to make it's way into a MarvyMarv YouTube live. It didn't, as Bossio literally left the chat. If you missed it, you can get a vibe from TPOBs posts, but here's my 2 cents.

TPOB and Tomb45 have disrupted the industry in their own ways, and for that, we all should be grateful.

TPOB has delivered quality tools at a fraction of the price compared to industry giants. Tomb45 has delivered innovative tools that completely disrupted charging technology and forced industry giants to rethink how they charge their tools. (I wrote about this a while ago). Personally, I applaud them both for their contributions to the culture.

Fake News in Georgia

A post has been circulating around that is not true. Georgia is not heading to a final vote to remove the barber license. This is why it's important to actually read the proposed bill before you start reposting. Here is what is actually happening.

Senate Bill 354 would allow barber shops, beauty shops and beauty salons to employ persons to do the following services with no license:

Washing, shampooing, combing, brushing, blow-dry styling and applying cosmetics (make up).

Those services do not include: haircutting, beard trimming, shaving, coloring, relaxing, perming etc. Tbh, this bill affects the salon more than it does the barber shop. It's rare for a barbershop to only gives these stand alone services. If you're familiar with the Drybar franchise, that's what I think of when I read this bill. A business built around only giving blowouts and hairstyling etc.

Future Barber License Concerns

Ok, so are we headed in the direction of eliminating the barber license? There is growing concern that the passing of this bill and others like it may pave the way for a license-less industry.

A couple years ago, California passed a bill that lowered the hour requirement from 1500 to 1000 hours, eliminated the practical exam from state board and introduced a new Hairstylist license type.

Eliminating the practical exam, lowering hours and allowing certain services to be given in the barber shop and salon with no license. Some believe these are signs of end times for the license.

As a licensed barber, it's difficult to imagine an industry where we could have just applied to work at a barbershop instead of needing to go to school. But when you zoom out, the US is actually one of the only countries in the entire world who require a barber license...

This topic might be more complicated than we want to admit. Maybe we'll cover on another day. For now, don't worry though, Georgia isn't removing the license.

Do you want to be featured?

Last but not least, I'm always on the look out for headlines taking place across the industry and would love to feature you.

So, if you are hosting an event or releasing a new product and you want it to be featured in theGuideline, then this form is for you!

Alright, finished with No.56. See you next week!

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Creating Your Barber Budget: a 21 day challenge to help you figure out how much money you actually make.
  2. Passing Your Barber Exam: online course that helps you pass your barber exam
  3. Creating a business strategy: The Barbers' Playbook features 10 essential strategies to help evaluate & grow your business

Written by: Matthew Mendoza​​

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I write a newsletter, host a podcast and teach workshops to help barbers level up their business.

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