Losing Your Barber License



Hi Reader,

It's not a popular topic, but this needs to be talked about: Barbers can lose their license.

Watching a Reinstatement Hearing

This was a first for me. I watched a reinstatement hearing last week. Here's what happened.

After having their licensed for 10 years, a barber (who also owned a shop) got their licensed suspended.

Reasons for Losing the License

First, the barbershop was operating without an establishment license. The Board emailed and mailed a notification to the barber about the violation and gave the barber the opportunity to correct the mistake.

But, the barber said he never got it because he didn't check the mail and didn't have access to his email. Red flag.

More of the Story

During the hearing, the barber had the opportunity to tell his side of the story. The year was 2020 and California barbershops were shut down. The shop owner decided to stay open and somebody snitched.

State board came by for an inspection and the owner didn't let the inspector in. Since the shop owner wasn't cooperating with the board, it escalated. Eventually, they suspended his license.

So now what?

The barber has been without a license for over 3 years. It was honestly pretty sad listening to him share more of his story. After this hearing, he has to wait an additional 120 days to even get the verdict. Rough.

I'm not here to argue who was right or who was wrong, but I am here to humbly remind you that your barber license can be taken away.

I really don't want that for you, so here are some tips for how to keep your license based on this story.

6 Tips to Keep Your License

  1. If State Board comes to your shop for an inspection, let them in. Just cooperate with them. If you don't, then it's going up to the top and you'll have a bigger target on your back.
  2. Make sure your mailing address is up to date with your license.
  3. Regularly check your mail.
  4. Make sure your email address is up to date with your license.
  5. Regularly check your email.
  6. Subscribe to your State Board's newsletters. It does have important info in them.

These tips might sound ridiculous, but whatever. I'm just looking out.

Alright, finished with No.75. See you next week!

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Monthly Income Tracker: a Google Sheets template to help you track your monthly income
  2. Passing Your Barber Exam: online course that helps you pass your barber exam
  3. Creating a business strategy: The Barbers' Playbook features 10 essential strategies to help evaluate & grow your business

Written by: Matthew Mendoza​​

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I write a newsletter, host a podcast and teach workshops to help barbers level up their business.